A Critical Lens on ESG and ESG Ratings
This article examines the importance of ESG (Environmental,
Social, and Governance) and why it matters. Aligned with the
theme of the 27th Annual Conference of the Institute of Certified
Secretaries (ICS), titled “ESG for a Sustainable Future: Aligning
People, Planet, and Profit,” the article explores the criticisms of
ESG, categorizing them into four main points. These include: the
argument that ESG is not desirable, as it can be a distraction; the
assertion that ESG is not feasible due to inherent difficulties; the
belief that ESG cannot be effectively measured; and the claim
that even when ESG can be measured, there is no meaningful
correlation with financial performance. The article concludes by
examining the relationship between ESG ratings and financial
performance. Existing literature presents conflicting findings on
various aspects of ESG, including criticisms of ESG itself, as well
as the link between ESG ratings and financial performance.